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Maya A.
Alkaline Vegan Health Coach, 21

Hello! My name is Maya, and I'm an Alkaline Vegan Health Coach, meaning I coach vegans and non-vegans alike who are trying to reach specific diet-related goals using Alkaline Vegan principles. I’ve had success transitioning to veganism and dramatically improving my overall health and wellness by using plant-based, holistic techniques. I'm very passionate about health because I am a bio major and daughter of a doctor who loves helping people. 

I teach people how to open up to a healthy vegan lifestyle that offers preventative and healing health benefits so they can prevent poor health from dictating their lives.


I'm especially passionate about helping members of my Black community who are subject to the medical apartheid & poor generational eating habits causing us to be at high risk for a multitude of avoidable diseases.

Want to chat about how I transitioned and what you need to start your journey to healthy living? Let’s talk!

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